Cogut Institute for the Humanities
Center for the Study of the Early Modern World

Timothy Harris
Munro-Goodwin-Wilkinson Professor of European History
Research Interests
Early Modern England, Scotland, and Ireland; Social History of Politics; History of Ideas
Tim Harris received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from Cambridge University and was a Fellow of Emmanuel College from 1983 before moving to Brown in 1986. He teaches a wide range of courses in the political, religious, intellectual, social and cultural history of early modern England, Scotland and Ireland. A social historian of politics, he has written about the interface of high and low politics, popular protest movements, ideology and propaganda, party politics, popular culture, and the politics of religious dissent during Britain's Age of Revolutions. He edits the book series Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History for Boydell Press and is on the editorial board of the journal The European Legacy.