Cogut Institute for the Humanities
Center for the Study of the Early Modern World

Early Modern World Travel and Research Grant

Grants are intended to help graduate students at the center in undertaking travel necessitated by research, or to conferences for the purpose of giving a paper, both in the United States and abroad.

Students may also apply for this grant to defray the costs associated with publication (such as expenses for new photography, or rights and reproduction). The grants are not likely to meet the full costs of travel, and should be regarded as supplementary. A typical award is approximately $350.


Graduate students working in Early Modern Studies are eligible to apply, and students may apply retrospectively for travel or expenses incurred between the calls for grants within the timeframe of the academic year. However, no requests for funding will be considered outside of the bi-annual calls for applications. Students at the dissertation stage, and students who have been active participants at the Center will be given priority.


An application shall consist of the following:

  1. A clear, 300-word (maximum) description of the project or reason for the request.
  2. An itemized budget.

No letter of recommendation is necessary. Applications should be sent as PDFs, with the applicants name in the subject line, to If accepted, applicants agree to present their research in a brief (15 minute) Symposium format at the Center for the Study of the Early Modern World. Awards are announced after the application deadline.

The next application window will be April 1, 2025–April 11, 2025.