Guillaume Candela
Guillaume Candela was a Postdoctoral Fellow for Data Curation in Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous Languages at the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University. He defended his Ph.D. at the Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris III University under the direction of Dr. Bernard Lavallé. His dissertation focuses on the spiritual conquest of Paraguay between 1537 and 1585, before the Jesuits' arrival. His work analyzes the actions and the writings of the clergy. He also examines the interactions between missionaries and natives. His professional experience includes a counseling post as Counsellor of the Minister of Culture in Paraguay and a teaching post as Assistant Professor at François-Rabelais University (Tours, France). In 2018, he published a book Entre la pluma y la cruz. El clérigo Martín González y la desconocida historia de su defensa de los indios del Paraguay. Documentos inéditos (1543-1575), Asunción, 2018. In 2019, he published a chapter "Influences of the Lascasian Discourse in Paraguay (Sixteenth Century): the Itinerary of Martín González.” Bartolomé de las Casas, O.P.: History, Philosophy, and Theology in the Age of European Expansion, Brill, 2019. In 2018, he also published a paper "Reflexiones de clerigos y frailes sobre las deportaciones indígenas en la conquista del Paraguay entre 1542 y 1575." Chungara, 50 (2), 2018. He is the co-author, with Bartomeu Melia, of “Lenguas y pueblos tupi-guaranies en las fuentes de los siglos XVI y XVII.” Melanges Casa de Velázquez, 45 (1), Madrid, 2015.