Christopher Jotischky-Hull
Christopher completed his BA in Classics at New College, Oxford, before joining Brown's Department of Classics in 2017. His interests lie in the study of Greece from the Enlightenment to the present, with a particular focus on the period 1800-1939, during which the country's institutions and traditions were being crystallized. His dissertation examines the study and teaching of Latin in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Greece through the lens of Greek prose literature of the period, arguing that Latin and European classicisms were a pervasive influence on contemporary Greek intellectual culture and educational expectations, even though the Roman past was officially downplayed in order to emphasise the inheritance from Ancient Greece. He is a former recipient of the Modern Greek Studies Association's S. Victor Papacosma Graduate Essay Prize (2019) and Brown University's William Michaelides Graduate Fellowship in Greek Studies (AY 2019-2020). In addition, he has worked for the Journal of Modern Greek Studies as editorial assistant to Johanna Hanink and for the MLA International Bibliography Online as an indexer in Byzantine and Modern Greek literature.