Cogut Institute for the Humanities
Center for the Study of the Early Modern World

CFP (due 3-4-22): 2022 Harvard-Yale-Brown Conference in Book History

For those of you who are interested in the history of the book/history of print/history of readership, Brown University has joined with Harvard and Yale in promoting a graduate conference in the history of the book, scheduled this year for Monday, May 2, 2022 (virtually, with Yale as the "host" institution).

This is a great opportunity for students to meet other peers interested in these topics at area institutions and to take advantage of the well-oiled machinery of the Harvard Book History community, in particular.  

If you have any additional questions, please direct them to (grad student, History) who is the graduate student convenor at Brown.




Image: Tommaso da Modena, Ugo de San Caro, fresco, San Nicolo' at Treviso, 1352