Ourida Mostefai continues to serve as the Director of the Brown University French Center of Excellence. Her professional activities include her membership on the editorial boards of Eighteenth-Century Studies and of the Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, two refereed journals respectively of the American and British societies for 18th-century Studies. She served as the Chair of the Selection Committee for the Modern Language Association of America (MLA) Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for the best book in French and Francophone Studies. After completing her second term as President of the Rousseau Association, she was elected to the Executive Board of the society.
She co-edited a volume on the question of silence in the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Silence, Implicite et Non-dit chez Rousseau / Silence, the Implicit and the Unspoken in Rousseau, Leiden: Brill/Rodopi, 2020) — in which she also authored a contribution — and published a chapter on “Exile, Displacement and Citizenship” for the recent MLA volume on pedagogical approaches to the French Revolution (Teaching Representations of the French Revolution, New York: Publications of the Modern Language Association, 2019).
She participated in a number of seminars on early modern topics, including Diderot and Catherine the Great, and Religious Toleration in Pierre Bayle. She lectured on Rousseau’s novel and theater at international conferences in Stockholm, Sweden, Edinburgh, Scotland and São Paulo, Brazil. During the past year, in which she began her service as Director of Undergraduate Studies in Comparative Literature, she taught a graduate seminar on 18th-century French theater and co-taught a Comparative Literature course on “Borders, Exiles, Language” with Prof. Marc Redfield.