During the Fall semester (2019) I taught my Freshman Seminar titled “On the Dawn of Modernity.” My book on science during the maritime Portuguese travels of the 15th and 16th century (O Século dos Prodígios. A ciência no Portugal da Expansão. Lisbon, 2018,) received a prize from the Academia Portuguesa de História, as well as three other prizes from various Portuguese cultural institutions. In 2019 I published the article “From ‘Vera Cruz Island’ to ‘Brazil' — a critical revisitation of an old belief,” DOMINGUES, Francisco Contente e SILVA, Susana Serpa, coord. (2019), Navegação no Atlântico. XVIII Reunião Internacional de História da Náutica / Atlantic Navigation. XVIII International Reunion for the History of Nautical Science, Ponta Delgada, CHAM Açores - Universidade dos Açores. At the Ribeira Grande City Hall (Azores) I gave a lecture on a native of that city, the 16th century author Gaspar Frutuoso. The theme was his critique of Plato’s Atlantis as another example of an author imbued with the emerging empirical mentality that was spreading among the Portuguese writings of the time.
Cogut Institute for the Humanities
Center for the Study of the Early Modern World
August 1, 2020
2020 Research and Teaching Report: Onesimo T. Almeida
"O Século dos Prodígios," a new book on science during the maritime Portuguese travels of the 15th and 16th centuries, receives a prize from the Academia Portuguesa de História, among others.